Amara's profile

Amara Rahman
A photo of Amaarah
Energy: Galaxy

If I wasn't a designer I would be studying e-commerce or IT.

My peaceful place in New York is Seaport District

Favorite fruit:


What do you want to learn in this course?

I want to strenghten my coding foundations.

Tell us about an early experience with computers or the internet

Internet explorer

What will the web look like in 10 years from now?

I believe that all app functions will be compartmentalized into one single app


Staicy: My parents had a very early model desktop computer. I loved to use it to play on the paint program to draw
Katie:" I think this question is really hard to answer, only because the web changes so rapidly without us even knowing it. it's almost impossible to say what the web will look like in such a long period of time becuase of how expansive the web already is.

Favorite HTML Elements

  1. <p>
  2. <br>

3 Forgotten Websites

Songs for Code